Monday, March 23, 2020

Week 30 March 23-27

Monday, March 23rd - March 27th    ~WE ARE #HUGHONTOUGH~
Due: Last night you should have submitted Enrique's Journey via StudySync. If you forgot to submit, please do so ASAP. It will not be counted as "late." 

~ Good morning students!  This blog post is for the entire week. Read carefully and email me with any questions you might have.  Have a great week and take care!~
  1. Wanted Poster- Google Classroom
  2. Study Sync- adjectives
  3. Spend 20 minutes of your day reading something....magazine, online article, a favorite book, etc. This is on the HONOR system. If you are able, Sea of Monsters is the next book in the Percy Jackson series.
***These assignments are due by Friday at 11:59***

I miss you all and I hope you are doing well. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Week 37 May 18th-22nd

Monday, May 18th - 22nd Announcements : IF YOU HAVE NOT turned in TourBuilder or your PJ essay from March, they will be zeroed out Thur...